Tuesday, October 28, 2003

hell, i'm soo tired and sleepy now. good thing i finished all my deadlines today and cleared my calendar already. just hope the boss approve my leave on nov 3 n 4 so that i can take a long rest. besides my leaves are not being used much every year, must find way to utilize them as much as possible.

work as always was the same old stuff, created sms downloads for myx and the ongoing oncue2 tournament, had to rush them cause they are needed today. vacation is just around the corner and i will now have time for my comic book projects.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

eat you heart out!!! bwa ha ha ha ha

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyLegendary Hero
Date when you fufill your destinyMarch 14, 2021
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
heh me again, been nearly a month since i graced this little space of mine. why?! dunno, maybe i really don't have much to write, just like i said when i started this blog. anyway work still a bit heavy and more deadlines are due now. but what the heck at least i still get paid and have a job. boring as it maybe be, still pays the bill.

on the comic side of things, been busy also but still going slowly. so far what i have are:

sanduguan (planned 3 issues but mite add another, lots of pages): all out war - this has been in production way too long, must get it out on summer like i planned
sanduguan (7 issues @ 10 pages each, will include bios per issues): revelation - this is done by christophe and i still need 3 issues from him. we only have 10 pages per issues and i'm the embelisher
sanduguan (8 pages): on blue shuffle - this one has been on the fly, seems like forever also with all the creative problems other teams have. sure hope we can join the cc3con at least.
sagrado (10 pages): a story i'm doing for a comic book installment me and tobie are doing with anotherguy, ford. hope we can release this on december. this is for mature readers.
manadargan (10 pages): a title i'm currently working on which is supposed to be included inn an anthology, deadline is on last week of october and still have to finish 3 pages.

damn didn't realize i'm working on so many projects, i just hope that those deemed for publications pushes thru, i can't afford to spend for all of this beacuse as of now i'm practically broke. damn where is the love for me, please give me money!!! hehehehe

ok enough rambling need to go back to work.

just me